Different types of yoga poses, Let us know about these different types of yoga poses to make our body healthy. It will be your personal yoga class. 

Follow these tips step by step as mentioned in the method section 

1. Swastikasana - Yoga pose

Yoga Poses - Swastikasana

Position: - Sit on a clean blanket or cloth with your legs spread.

Method: -

By bending the left leg from the knee ( do not bend your knees ), place it between the right thigh and the calf (calf, below the knee) and in such a way that the bottom of the left foot is hidden, then the right foot and the bottom of the left leg from under the left foot.

Swastika is formed by establishing between the thigh and the calf. Sit in a meditative posture and stop breathing as you draw the breath by straightening the spine. Do the same procedure by changing the legs.


Foot pain, sweating is away.

Warm or coldness of the feet goes away. It is a good posture for meditation.

2. Gomukhasana - Yoga Pose

Gomukhasana Yoga Pose
Different types of yoga poses


Sit with both legs spread out in front. Fold the left foot and place the heel near the right buttocks.

Fold the right leg over the left leg in such a way that both the knees are on top of each other.


Raise your right hand upwards and turn towards the back and hold the right hand behind your back by bringing the left hand. The neck and waist remain straight.

After doing it for about a minute from one side, do it from the other side in the same way.

Tip: - On the side whose foot is kept up, put the same hand (right / left) on top and arm should be balanced.


It is particularly beneficial in testicle growth and bowel growth.

Strengthens liver, kidneys, and thoracic site.

3. Gorakhshasana - Yoga Pose

Gorakhshasana Yoga PoseDifferent types of yoga poses


The two legs of hell and the claws are mixed together and keep in front.

Now sit the suture pulse (between the anus and the urinary tract) on the eddy. Both knees are resting on the ground.

Keep the hands on the knees in the position of Gyan Mudra.

It is advanced poses of yoga 


Blood circulation in muscles is healthy and they are healthy.

This asana is helpful in applying moolabandha naturally and maintaining brahmacharya.

Provides peace of mind by ending the versatility of the senses. That is why its name is Gorakshasana.

4. Ardha Matsyendrasana - Yoga Pose 

                                                Best yoga poses for lower back pain

Ardha Matsyendrasana yoga pose
Different types of yoga poses


Sit with both legs spread out in front. Attach the Heel to the buttock by bending the left leg.

Place the left foot near the knee of the right foot on the outside.


Hold the paws of the right foot while keeping the left hand straight outward near the right knee.

Turn the right hand behind the back and look at the back.

Similarly, do this asana from another side.


Beneficial in diabetes and underweight. Related Post: How to control diabetes?

The page runs blood circulation smoothly in all the veins of the country (which extends around the vertebra).

Strengthens the eyes by removing abdominal (stomach) disorders

How many yoga poses are there? (Next Blog will be on this question )

Dear Visitors- We have cover standing poses, basic yoga poses, yoga poses, for back pain hard yoga poses, back yoga poses, beginners yoga poses, yoga beginner poses, fun yoga poses, unique yoga poses, common yoga poses

5. Makarasana Yoga / Markatasana Yoga

This Topic Consists of: Makarasana art of living / Makarasana information / Makarasana variations / Makarasana contraindications / Makarasana iyengar / Markatasana

There are different types of Yoga, In which Makarasan is one of the best. In this article you will Learn about the Meaning, Method, and Benefits of Makarasana. People also search it as Markatasana or Crocodile Pose yoga.

It is also called THE ART OF LIVING.

 Different types of yoga poses

 Makarasana - what is makarasana?

Makarasan is one of the casual yoga postures that is beneficial for the back and shoulder problems. It can also be used as an alternative to easy-to-use, in which the whole body is in a state of rest.  Makarasan aims to reduce the vibe arising from practicing other yoga postures hence it is done after the yoga session is finished.

Meaning of Makarasana

The name Makarasan is composed of Sanskrit words, "Makara" Means "Crocodile" And  "Asanas" Means the currency of the body. It is also known as Crocodile pose in the English language. While doing Makarasan, you resemble a crocodile, which is in the posture of rest, keeping the face and neck above the surface level.

Time to do Makarasana  

The morning time is best to yoga practice if you can't practice it in the morning, you can do it in the evening after a gap of three to four hours from your meal.

Method of making a Makarasan - How to do or perform Makarasan / Markatasana steps?

Method of Makarasana yoga

1) Lie down on the floor of your abdomen. Keep your legs straight.

2) Lift your shoulders and head, keep your neck straight and look ahead.

3) Now fold your hands and take the tip of the elbow to the ground.

4) Bend your head slightly and place your chin in the palms of your two hands.

5) Bend your right leg back towards the Lower Back and straighten back. Do this process with the left also. 

6)Breathe normally and slowly and relax your muscles.

7)Stay in the pedestal for a few minutes until you feel completely relaxed.

8)To get rid of the situation, gently remove your palms from the chin, bring down your shoulders and head.

Types of Makarasan- What are the different types of Makarasan?

When it is difficult to keep the chin in the palms of both your hands, you can also change the Makarasan, turning both hands on the lines of the forehead.

Methods of Makarasana Yoga

Benefits of Makarasan - What are the benefits if Makarasan? Markatasana benefits

1)Makarasan relieves the stress of your shoulders and spine

2)It helps to fix asthma, knee pain, and any problems related to the lungs.

3)Relaxes your body completely and freshens you up.

4)Makarasan helps cure high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and mental disorders. 

5)Asanas calm your mind and relieve anxiety.

Precautions - Precautions of makarasana?

If you have a serious back and neck injury, don't do Makarasan. Consult your doctor and practice it under the supervision of a yoga teacher.


Different types of yoga poses


Vinyasa yoga for beginners?


Vinyasa is one of the most widespread styles of yoga. It is a broad classification that includes Ashtanga and many different types of yoga.

The translation of the word Vinyasa is - "to arrange something in a particular way", for example, to organize the easy of yoga.

In Vinyasa Yoga, breathing is synchronized at each speed. The vibe of Bitilasan  and Margjiasan (Types of Yoga) yoga is an example of a very simple vinyasa yoga.

In Bitilasan and Marjiasan yoga, the spine is raised upwards, breathing, the stomach inside, and the spine and abdomen are bent down when they breathe. The Sun Salutation sequence is an example of a more complex configuration. Each series occurs on attention, breathing, or exhaling.

Vinyasa yoga poses chart/Vinyasa yoga sequence

Vinyasa Yoga Poses

You can diversify a lot in the window, but it is always mandatory to include Surya Namaskar.

Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga - 

Vinyasa works on yoga, training system and helps to strengthen and launder lean muscle throughout the body. 

It creates resistance in the body. 

Reduces weight loss and obesity.

It creates physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

It also helps relieve anxiety and stress and leave bad thoughts. 

